If you are lifting or pulling a load and need a continuous take up length that is longer than other hoist products can provide, Tyler Tool Manual Cable Winches are an excellent tool for the job. Watch our video or "Read More" to learn how to correctly operate Tyler Tool Manual Cable Winches.
Tyler Tool Manual Cable Winches
are the perfect tool for lifting and pulling heavy loads. They are composed of an aluminum body with a pair of jaws connected to levers that pull and safely release a load. They are equipped with a double locking load pin and have a breaking load of 4 times the working load limit.
Tyler Tool Manual Cable Winch Models
At E-Rigging, we carry the Tyler Tool brand of wire rope winches and the cable to accompany them. We carry four different sized models. 
Tyler Tool Manual Cable Winch Operation Instructions
First, ensure that the forward, reverse, and cable release levers are positioned to the rear of the winch.
Grabbing both the release and reverse levers in one hand, push the levers both forwards and down until the release lever correctly locks itself into place at the top of the winch body.
Insert the tapered end of the wire rope into the jaw opening opposite of the load pin and feed it through until it protrudes from the other side.
Take up any slack in the cable, by pulling it through by hand.
Now, push the release lever down for the jaws to properly close around the cable.
Attach the double locking load pin to your stationary attachment point.
To pull on the wire rope: slide, rotate, and lock the handle onto the lever nearest the load pin and ratchet the lever forward and backwards.
Releasing a load
To release the load: slide, rotate, and lock the handle onto the lever farthest from the load pin and ratchet the lever forward and backwards.
To release the cable, repeat the same procedure that was used to open the winch jaws, and pull the cable from the winch.
During operation it is important to keep the
cable free from excessive grease and debris to prevent the internal jaws from fouling. Use a rag or napkin to wipe down the cable, as needed.
Any properly sized steel cored
wire rope or cable can be used, but cable with fused and tapered ends are much easier to feed through the jaws.
Winch Quick Instructions
- Rope Reeving:
- Hold the machine in one hand, with its head downward, and push the release handle
- After hearing a noise click, the grip jaws open and clean wire rope can be reeved to a desired length
- Push the release handle downward by hand to allow grip jaws to clamp the rope
- When pulling the forward handle back and forward, the rope inlet or outlet shows that the unit works normally
- Start the operation
- Anchoring:
- Fixed axis is to be used to anchor the rope around it
- The other tip of the rope is tied to the load
- After the fixed axis is inserted into the machine case it must be turned twice
- Start operation until the second tunnel is obstructed
- Let the rope tip expose above the fixed axis to ensure the rope travels normally
- Operating - Hook the load and operate as follows:
- To lift a load (or push a load backward) or tension it: Push the forward handle
- To lower a load (or pull a load backward): Pull the backward handle
- To stop working: To stop pulling the handle will stop the load at that position whether lifting or lowering it
- Drawing Rope - Once work is finished:
- Push the release handle
- Open the grip jaws and draw the rope out
- Press down on the release handle to close the grip jaws
We hope this information has answered any questions or concerns you have about the proper operation and use of Tyler Tool Manual Cable Winches. If you have any further questions, please
Contact Us and subscribe to our
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