HAAS PRO Installer Program

Why did we start this program?
We started the HAAS Stainless Pro Installer program so that we could forge a mutually beneficial relationship between us, and licensed building professionals and contractors across the U.S. We recognized that the quality of the installation process, and understanding of the HAAS Cable Railing System was critical in producing the best looking cable railing systems possible. Therefore, as a HAAS Stainless Pro Installer, you will gain an expert understanding of the HAAS Stainless System and will be our partner in delivering the best looking cable railing systems possible to customers country wide.

How does this program benefit you?
- Sales and Marketing: As a HAAS Pro Installer, you will receive a designated listing on our website where potential customers can directly contact you if they require your services. The listing will include a brief bio about you, information about your business, the services that you provide, and a photo gallery of your work.
- Social Media: As a HAAS Pro Installer, whenever you post on social media about one of your projects involving the HAAS Revo or Axis cable railing system, HAAS Stainless will share and boost your post to increase exposure for you and your business.
- Marketing Campaigns: Over the course of each year, HAAS Stainless will engage in social media and blast email campaigns featuring the HAAS Pro Installer network.
- Direct Customer Support: As a HAAS Pro Installer, you will be using and installing HAAS Cable Railing System components on a regular basis, therefore you will be considered a top priority in regards to customer support. You will have direct access to customer support via phone or email, which will allow you to obtain the information you need, when you need it.
- Order Priority: We understand that your reputation and success may sometimes depend on you being able to complete a project within a certain deadline. As a HAAS Pro Installer, you'll be able to rest easy knowing that your orders and component requirements will be prioritized before those of other HAAS Stainless customers.
- Product Discounts: As a HAAS Pro Installer, you will receive a 10% discount on HAAS Revo / Axis cable railing components and cable.
- HAAS Stainless Logo Gear / Marketing Pamphlets: As a HAAS Stainless Pro Installer, you will receive a logo wear care package which will contain a HAAS Stainless shirt, hat, and decals that you can use to market your status as a HAAS Stainless Pro Installer. Each pamphlet will contain an outline of the features and benefits of the system, which will be illustrated by high quality photos and graphics etc.
Requirements and Expectations

- Proof of Professional License: Each Pro Installer must be able to provide and maintain a valid copy of their Professional License.
General Liability and Workers Comp. Insurance: Each Pro Installer must be able to provide and maintain a certificate of General Liability and Workers Comp. insurance.
*** Note: Sea-Land Distributors must be named as " additional insured" on the Pro Installers insurance policy.
- Liability Insurance: Each Pro Installer must be able to provide and maintain a certificate of liability insurance.
- Brand Representation: HAAS Stainless Pro Installers will be expected to represent the HAAS Stainless brand in a respectful and professional manner at all times during any HAAS Stainless cable railing installations, or while wearing any HAAS Stainless logo gear.
- Social Media: HAAS Pro Installers are expected to be active on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, and promote the HAAS Stainless Revo and Axis cable railing systems when posting about completed projects.