Submit Tax Exempt Paperwork
Customer Service › Submit Tax Exempt Paperwork
Submit Tax Exempt Paperwork
If you are a new tax exempt customer, or your previous tax exempt certificate has expired and would like to claim tax exemption, here is the step by step process:
- Log into your account and add an address
- Submit the information below for unshipped orders & future orders on this account:
Tax Exemption Process Notes:
- Place an order only once you receive an email confirmation that your tax certificate has been validated or tax won’t be removed from your order.
- You must use your account tied to your email address in order not to be charged tax.
- We estimate this process to take less than 1 business day.
- You can setup multiple billing and shipping addresses for a single account, but if you change accounts / email addresses you must re-submit paperwork.
- We can only remove tax from orders that have not shipped and not been billed.