You’ve started planning out your REVO cable railing system, but you’re not sure how to install your components at your corner post. In this article, you’ll learn when to offset your thru-post components, and what’s going to make the most sense for your project.
Breaking Up Cable Runs at 90-Degree Corner Posts
When installing any cable railing system, you’ll always want to separate your cable runs at any of the 90-degree corner posts that are present on your deck or balcony. Attempting to conjoin two separate cable runs at your 90-degree corner posts can result in the post being pulled inwards and won't allow your cable to be evenly tensioned on each side of the post. So, breaking up cable runs will allow for easy tensioning, and eliminate the risk of the cables pulling out the side of the post.
Component Combinations
Since each cable run in your system has end stops holding your cable in place at one end of the run, and tensioners tensioning your cable at the other, you're likely going to have any of the following combinations of tensioners and end stops at your corner posts.
Tensioners x Tensioners, Tensioners x End Stops, and End Stops x End Stops. What dictates which combinations of components that you will have at your corner post will be determined by the way that planned out your system.
What is the 3/16” Offset Method?
If your system requires you to install any combination of thru-post tensioners or end stops at your corner posts, then you will need to install them using the 3/16” offset method.

The 3/16” offset method requires you to offset one set of your holes by 3/16” of an inch. This allows your thru-post components to easily pass over the top of one another at your corner post.
Installing REVO Cable Railing with a 3/16” Offset
STEP 1 - To install your thru-post components using the 3/16” offset method, start off by marking both sides of your corner post, so that your marks on each side of the post are perfectly level with one another.
STEP 2 - Once your post has been marked, drill the north to south running holes at your corner post right at each mark. Remember to drill halfway from one side and halfway from the other for the cleanest entry/exit holes.
STEP 3 - Now that your north to south running holes have been drilled, next drill your east to west running holes, but instead of placing the tip of your drill bit right on each mark, position the tip of your drill bit 3/16” of an inch higher or lower than each mark on your post.
STEP 4 - Once your east to west running holes have been drilled, you should now have partially intersecting perpendicular holes in your corner post and will now be able to easily install your thru post components at your corner post without them interfering with one another.
When is the 3/16” Offset NOT Needed?

For all other REVO component combinations at your corner posts such as using Lag Style components at your corner posts, or a combination of Lag and Thru Post components at your corner post, then you will NOT need to use the 3/16” offset method. You may mark, drill the holes, and install the components perfectly level with one another.
For more information on the REVO Cable Railing System click here.