Pennsylvania Cable Railing Deck Revamp

When it comes to home improvement projects, Kirk from Pennsylvania knows how to turn a simple deck into a statement piece.

This is Kirk's journey as he transformed his deck using 900 feet of stainless steel cable, 128 post protectors, 36 lag swage turnbuckles, and 25 low-profile swage stops and swage stud assemblies. Let's dive into the details of this remarkable project.

Kirk had a vision of giving his porch a modern and sleek look. He wanted to enhance not only the aesthetics of his deck but also improve his view of the beautiful, wooded space behind his home. Stainless steel cable railing seemed like the perfect solution to achieve this.

To bring his vision to life, Kirk carefully selected the materials he would need. Stainless steel cable provided durability and a contemporary look, making it an ideal choice for a modern deck. The 128 post protectors ensured the longevity of his deck's structure, while the 36 lag swage turnbuckles, 25 low-profile swage stops and swage stud assemblies allowed for a secure and polished finish.

With planning and a clear vision in mind, he began installing the stainless steel cable railing. The process was both challenging and rewarding as each component was carefully measured and fitted into place. As the cable took shape, Kirk could already see his deck transforming into something to be proud of.

After hours of hard work and dedication, Kirk's porch makeover was complete. The stainless-steel cable railing not only added a modern touch to his deck but also opened up a whole new perspective of the wooded space behind his home. Kirk could now enjoy the tranquility of his surroundings with an unobstructed view.

At E-Rigging, we take pride in featuring projects from our creative customer base, and Kirk's project was no exception. It serves as a testament to what can be achieved with the right materials and a vision. If you're interested in having your project showcased in an upcoming post, don't hesitate to submit your photos and a description of your work.

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